Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Wiki Ideas

February 5, 2008~ On the left is a Gcast that gives more information on Wiki's and their uses. I found it very helpful and even a few ideas.

One idea included working with a 6th grade ELA teacher and class that has been toying with the idea of doing ePals, she was concerned we couldn't get email addresses set up for them (that is a whole other can of worms I am not willing to tackle at this time..perhaps sometime in the future). However, what if the two collaborating teachers set up a Wiki and the classes could connect via the Wiki instead of email or snail mail. Having no classroom Wiki experience I have used them the professionally (we have a computer services Wiki that is gated for us to use rather then storing the info on a network drive and having to be worried about being logged in a certain way), I am not certain as to management strategies, ideas or hints that may prove useful for the teachers. If anyone else has strategies they would like to share please send them my way..I am always looking to expand our technology usage in the classroom.


  1. Thanks for the link to the Gcast. I like your idea of using a wiki instead of e-mail for a collaborative project with a class in another location. Just make sure that you have clear objectives and directions for both classes. Since more than one person can work on the same file at the same time, you want to make sure that groups are working on specific sections. I'd enjoy seeing what you end up putting together.

  2. Like the Gcast idea...must explore more....ed
