October 26, 2009~Came across the following resources across my reader and wanted to share. The first is called Soople and there are many faces to Soople. There is the search aspect of Souple that streamlines the searching process tremendously. Google has Advanced Search with is similar but you still have to use the various strategies like plus, minus, etc. There is also the calculator aspect of Soople. This will assist those with an array of mathematical computations and may not have access to a calculator which at a price tag of over $100 can be out of range if not provided). Lastly but definitely not least, is the Translator which will assist in language transitions.
Soople Search
Soople Calculator
Language Translations
The second resource is Historic Maps for Students and Teachers. If you have ever attempted to teach geography or incorporate into a lesson, finding historic maps has always been a hindrance. Here is a resource from the Florida's Educational Technology Clearing House. It is Historic Maps for Students and Teachers. Teachers and students may use up to 25 maps for free without having to gain permission. There are over 5,000 maps to peruse for any subject area. If you have ever used Google Earth and needed maps for an overlay comparison, this would be a great avenue for such an activity.
Historic Maps