March 17-19, 2009~ It never ceases to amaze me on the variety of presentations that are provided by
SCETV's Technology Workshops. If you have never attended then it is well worth the time (did I happen to mention the cost if FREE!). It is truly the epitome of the hands on workshop. I will be using this post as my work space to practice some of the techniques being shared.
Virtual Field Trips
(Guide) with
Google Earth (by Tom Taylor of Spartanburg Five)
Fort MoultrieDecades of growing strife between North and South erupted in civil war on April 12, 1861, when Confederate artillery opened fire on this Federal fort in Charleston Harbor. Fort Sumter surrendered 34 hours later. Union forces would try for nearly four years to take it back.
Fort Sumter
Fort Johnson
Attribution: Photo by Kevin Gerzema