September 2, 2008~I realize we are starting on our third week of school but I still feel as though I am paddling against the current. I have changed schools and followed the E2T2 Grant to seventh grade. The students, ELA teachers and I are thrilled to be here and are making the preparations to seemlessly integrate the technology into the seventh grade ELA curriculum. It is just that I am still unpacking, getting organized and learning the ropes of the new school. I believe once our technician gets our usernames set up and the carts deployed into the classroom, life will be jolly!!! I look forward to sharing resources such as Voicethread, Crazy Talk, Photostory 3, and Movie Maker with the teachers. We will be starting up a morning news crew and really wanting to start a Podcast but we shall see..My ELA teachers are pretty savy this year so keep your fingers crossed!!
I am always open to suggestions, if you happen to come across an emerging technology or resource for the seventh grade ELA classroom, please share...